Luis Azcona

Luis Azcona©_quentin_chevrier_juin2021-10

Luis Azcona

Luis Azcona is one of the most committed contemporary percussionists to the new creation, commissioning and performance of new pieces by composers of national and international stature. As a freelance percussionist, he actively collaborates with national ensembles such as Crossing Lines (Barcelona), OCAZ Enigma (Zaragoza), Plural Ensemble (Madrid) and international ensembles such as Schallfeld Ensemble (Graz) or Lemniscate (Basel).
He is the founder of the experimental duo Mejor Sordo, as well as of the Colectivo Cuarto de Tono, which have led him to play in National Festivals such as Mostra Sonora i Visual, After Cage, Guggenheim… He is also a regular member of Synergein Project, with whom he has played at the Ensems Festival and the Festival de Música Contemporánea de Córdoba. As a soloist, he has developed concepts and programmes for festivals such as Ensems, Musikagileak 2024, Muribalta, Festival de Música de Cámara de Anguiano… He also develops creative activities, such as the EP „Un río de historias“, in collaboration with Ad Hoc Gestión Cultural, and works for contemporary dance such as Surco or Babel.
He has collaborated with international composers such as Michael Maierhof, Arturo Corrales, Wojtek Blecharz, Alberto Bernal, Yiran Zhao, Cathy Van Eck, Katharina Rosenberg, José Manuel López López or Voro García and premiered or commissioned works to Alberto Bernal, Luciano Azzigotti, Helena Cánovas, Eduardo Valiente, Feliz Anne Reyes Macahis, José Río Pareja, Voro García, Marina Picaporte, Christian Spitzenstaetter, Wataru Mukai, Gemma Ragueś or David Juliań Carrillo. He has been supported by the Ibercaja, Hirschmann, Lyra, StockArt, Irene Denereaz, Érgata Stiftung and E. und C. Burgauer Foundations.
